What are Lifeskills workshops all about?

LifeSkills workshops (that we've blogged about before here and here) occur during school vacation three times a year. How wonderful it would be if each KCEA supporter could experience for themselves the excitement and the impact of these events.  Last month, I had my first chance to do so. The Lifeskills workshops have been nurturing an increasingly strong sense of community amongst the KCEA students – they are loved, supported and encouraged in this community (and by this community).  Please picture this most recent workshop – a gathering of 35 current KCEA students, 5 KCEA alumni, 12 non-KCEA student friends from local villages together with community leaders, and distinguished outside speakers. A canopy had been set up on the grounds of the primary school in the village of nkoisuash.

John Keshe had arranged two distinguished and articulate outside speakers. Mr. Martin is the former Curriculum Education Officer for all of Narok County.  Since he presented in English, you can can get a glimpse of his candid advice from this brief clip,  

Ms. Lillian Nchoe, Administrative Chief of a large area of Narok County is talking to the girls (in Swahili) both about disciplined lives and about knowing that a woman can do anything a man can do

The girls listened, took notes, and John led a vigorous discussion of these talks afterwards.

The day was interspersed with time for informal conversations (over a wonderful communal lunch) and for playing together

At the end of the day, the community dispersed on foot and by cramming into the well-used and much beloved Land-Cruiser

John has noticed the growing confidence of the students in public that is evolving from participating in these workshops and assuming leadership roles in them.


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