Meet students

who need sponsorship

Children in Kenya attend school year-round, beginning in January. Schools take three, one-month long breaks in April, August, and December. Students attend primary school (Grades 1-8) and then attend secondary school, similar to high school (Form 1 - Form4).

Annual student fees include room and board, transportation, and uniform. An open donation may also be made if you prefer to provide financial assistance to KCEA’s general expenses and reserve fund for the community.

To sponsor a student, tuition may be provided as monthly or annual payments.

SECONDARY TUITION: $650 annually or $55 monthly

  • Silvia Siana Karbolo

    Silvia is 15 years old and has completed primary school but her single mother is unable to pay for school fees for secondary school due to poverty and the care needed for another child who has cancer. Silvia says she is optimistic that God in Heaven can help find a sponsor for her to complete secondary school and keep her vision of becoming a nurse in the future.

    FORM 1

  • New Student Posted Soon

    As students become available, they will be posted here with more information. Click the button to contact us with interest or questions.

    GRADE: —

  • New Student Posted Soon

    As students become available, they will be posted here with more information. Click the button to contact us with interest or questions.

    GRADE: —

Choose to sponsor a student or make a general donation to KCEA.

What people are saying

“Our church, our people, our entire community holds KCEA/MCESP* in high respect for the tireless service to our people, especially in poor rural communities... metamayiana ntai yesu (God bless you) for reaching the unreached society.”

— Bishop Luka Dapash

  • Maasai Community Education and Support